Source code for pyddem.vector_tools

pymmaster.vector_tools provides tools to manipulate tilings (naming, extents) and vectors (rasterize, buffer, transform, ...)
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
import gdal, ogr, osr, gdalconst

[docs]def SRTMGL1_naming_to_latlon(tile_name): """ Convert widely used 1x1° tile naming convention to lat, lon (originally SRTMGL1) :param tile_name: naming convention of southwestern 1x1° corner :returns: lat, lon of southwestern corner """ if tile_name[0] == 'S' or tile_name[0] == 's': lat = -int(tile_name[1:3]) elif tile_name[0] == 'N' or tile_name[0] == 'n': lat = int(tile_name[1:3]) else: sys.exit('Could not read latitude according to SRTMGL1 naming convention.') if tile_name[3] == 'W' or tile_name[3] == 'w': lon = -int(tile_name[4:7]) elif tile_name[3] == 'E' or tile_name[3] == 'e': lon = int(tile_name[4:7]) else: sys.exit('Could not read longitude according to SRTMGL1 naming convention.') return lat, lon
[docs]def latlon_to_SRTMGL1_naming(lat,lon): """ Convert lat, lon to widely used 1x1° tile naming (originally SRTMGL1) :param lat: latitude of southwestern corner :param lon: longitude of southwestern corner :returns: tile naming """ if lat<0: str_lat = 'S' else: str_lat = 'N' if lon<0: str_lon = 'W' else: str_lon = 'E' tile_name = str_lat+str(int(abs(np.floor(lat)))).zfill(2)+str_lon+str(int(abs(np.floor(lon)))).zfill(3) return tile_name
[docs]def latlon_to_UTM(lat,lon): """ Get UTM zone, and corresponding EPSG given lat,lon coordinates :param lat: latitude :param lon: longitude :returns: epsg, UTM zone naming """ # utm module excludes regions south of 80°S and north of 84°N, unpractical for global vector manipulation # utm_all = utm.from_latlon(lat,lon) # utm_nb=utm_all[2] # utm zone from longitude without exclusions if -180 <= lon < 180: utm_nb = int( np.floor((lon + 180) / 6)) + 1 # lon=-180 refers to UTM zone 1 towards East (West corner convention) else: sys.exit('Longitude value is out of range.') if 0 <= lat < 90: # lat=0 refers to North (South corner convention) epsg = '326' + str(utm_nb).zfill(2) utm_zone = str(utm_nb).zfill(2) + 'N' elif -90 <= lat < 0: epsg = '327' + str(utm_nb).zfill(2) utm_zone = str(utm_nb).zfill(2) + 'S' else: sys.exit('Latitude value is out of range.') return epsg, utm_zone
[docs]def epsg_from_utm(utm_zone): """ Get EPSG code from UTM zone naming :param utm_zone: UTM zone naming :returns: epsg """ str_utm_nb = utm_zone[0:2] str_utm_ns = utm_zone[2] if str_utm_ns == 'N': epsg = '326' + str_utm_nb elif str_utm_ns == 'S': epsg = '327' + str_utm_nb else: sys.exit('UTM format not recognized.') return int(epsg)
[docs]def utm_from_epsg(epsg): """ Get UTM zone naming from EPSG code :param epsg: EPSG code :returns: UTM zone naming """ str_epsg = str(epsg) str_epsg_ns = str_epsg[0:3] str_epsg_nb = str_epsg[3:5] if str_epsg_ns == '326': utm = str_epsg_nb + 'N' elif str_epsg_ns == '327': utm = str_epsg_nb + 'S' else: sys.exit('EPSG UTM format not recognized.') return utm
[docs]def poly_utm_latlontile(tile_name, utm_zone): """ Create polygon of a 1x1° lat, lon tile projected in a specific UTM zone :param tile_name: tile naming :param utm_zone: UTM zone naming :returns: OGR polygon """ lat, lon = SRTMGL1_naming_to_latlon(tile_name) extent = lon, lat, lon + 1, lat + 1 poly = poly_from_extent(extent) epsg_out = epsg_from_utm(utm_zone) # tile can be projected in whatever utm zone trans = coord_trans(False, 4326, False, epsg_out) poly.Transform(trans) return poly
#create a regularly spaced extent in a utm zone, with 3 overlapping pixel on the edges for reprojections
[docs]def niceextent_utm_latlontile(tile_name, utm_zone, gsd): """ Create overlapping tile extents to avoid resampling effects at the edges :param tile_name: tile naming :param utm_zone: UTM zone naming :param gsd: ground sampling distance (pixel size) :returns: extent """ poly = poly_utm_latlontile(tile_name,utm_zone) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = extent_from_poly(poly) xmin = xmin - xmin % gsd - 3*gsd ymin = ymin - ymin % gsd - 3*gsd xmax = xmax - xmax % gsd + 3*gsd ymax = ymax - ymax % gsd + 3*gsd return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax
[docs]def create_mem_shp(geom, srs, layer_name='NA', layer_type=ogr.wkbPolygon, field_id='ID', field_val='1',field_type=ogr.OFTInteger): """ Create shapefile object in memory :param geom: Geometry object :param srs: Projection :param layer_name: Shapefile layer name :param layer_type: Shapefile layer type (polygon by default) :param field_id: Basic field id (field necessary by default) :param field_val: Basic field value :param field_type: Basic field type :returns: OGR DataSet """ ds = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEMORY').Create('test.shp', 0, 0, 0, gdal.OF_VECTOR) layer = ds.CreateLayer(layer_name, srs, layer_type) # Add one attribute layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn(field_id, field_type)) defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() # if there are multiple geometries, put the "for" loop here # create a new feature (attribute and geometry) feat = ogr.Feature(defn) feat.SetField(field_id, field_val) # make geometry geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(geom.ExportToWkt()) feat.SetGeometry(geom) layer.CreateFeature(feat) layer = feat = geom = None return ds
[docs]def latlontile_nodatamask(geoimg,tile_name): """ Create mask on the extent of a 1x1° tile (used to avoid sampling twice neighbouring tiles in final calculations, although those need to have overlapping pixels to avoid resampling issues) :param geoimg: GeoImg :param tile_name: Tile naming :returns: Mask """ #create latlon tile polygon in utm projection lat, lon = SRTMGL1_naming_to_latlon(tile_name) extent = lon, lat, lon + 1, lat + 1 poly = poly_from_extent(extent) srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) #put in a memory vector ds_shp = create_mem_shp(poly,srs) return geoimg_mask_on_feat_shp_ds(ds_shp, geoimg)
[docs]def poly_from_coords(list_coord): """ Create polygon from list of coordinates :param list_coord: List of tuples, need to repeat the first/last in order to close polygon :returns: OGR polygon """ # creating granule polygon ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) for coord in list_coord: ring.AddPoint(float(coord[0]), float(coord[1])) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) return poly
def get_poly_centroid(poly): centroid = poly.Centroid() center_lon, center_lat, _ = centroid.GetPoint() return center_lon, center_lat
[docs]def extent_rast(raster_in): """ Get raster extent :param raster_in: Filename of raster :returns: extent """ ds = gdal.Open(raster_in, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) x0_ref, dx_ref, dxdy_ref, y0_ref, dydx_ref, dy_ref = ds.GetGeoTransform() proj_wkt = ds.GetProjection() col_tot = ds.RasterXSize lin_tot = ds.RasterYSize x1_ref = x0_ref + col_tot * dx_ref y1_ref = y0_ref + lin_tot * dy_ref ds = None # extent format: Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax xmin = min(x0_ref, x1_ref) ymin = min(y0_ref, y1_ref) xmax = max(x0_ref, x1_ref) ymax = max(y0_ref, y1_ref) extent = [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] return extent, proj_wkt
[docs]def poly_from_extent(extent): """ Create polygon based on extent :param extent: extent (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) :returns: OGR polygon """ # create a polygon from extent, coordinates order as in gdal xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = extent ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) # creating polygon ring ring.AddPoint(xmin, ymin) ring.AddPoint(xmax, ymin) ring.AddPoint(xmax, ymax) ring.AddPoint(xmin, ymax) ring.AddPoint(xmin, ymin) poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) # creating polygon return poly
[docs]def extent_from_poly(poly): """ Get extent of polygon :param poly: OGR polygon :returns: extent """ env = poly.GetEnvelope() extent = env[0], env[2], env[1], env[3] return extent
[docs]def coord_trans(is_src_wkt, proj_src, is_tgt_wkt, proj_tgt): """ Create a OGR Transform object to reproject between different coordinate systems :param is_src_wkt: Boolean, is the provided projection source in WKT, if not it needs to be EPSG code (int) :param proj_src: WKT or EPSG code for projection source :param is_tgt_wkt: Boolean, is the provided projection target in WKT, if not it needs to be EPSG code (int) :param proj_tgt: WKT or EPSG code for projection target :returns: OGR Transform object """ # choice between WKT or EPSG source_proj = osr.SpatialReference() if is_src_wkt: source_proj.ImportFromWkt(proj_src) else: source_proj.ImportFromEPSG(proj_src) target_proj = osr.SpatialReference() if is_tgt_wkt: target_proj.ImportFromWkt(proj_tgt) else: target_proj.ImportFromEPSG(proj_tgt) transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source_proj, target_proj) return transform
[docs]def list_shp_field_inters_extent(fn_shp, field_name, extent, proj_ext): """ List features intersecting an extent in a shapefile :param fn_shp: Filename of shapefile :param field_name: Field name to list for the features :param extent: extent :param proj_ext: projection of extent :returns: List of field feature values (e.g., RGIIds) """ poly = poly_from_extent(extent) driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") ds = driver.Open(fn_shp, 0) layer = ds.GetLayer() proj_shp = layer.GetSpatialRef().ExportToWkt() trans = coord_trans(True, proj_ext, True, proj_shp) poly.Transform(trans) list_field_inters = [] for feat in layer: feat_geom = feat.GetGeometryRef() # inters = feat_geom.Intersection(poly) if feat_geom.Intersect(poly): list_field_inters.append(feat.GetField(field_name)) return list_field_inters
[docs]def inters_list_poly_with_poly(list_poly,poly): """ Find intersection between a list of polygon and another polygon :param list_poly: List of OGR polygons :param poly: OGR polygon :returns: List of intersecting OGR polygons """ list_inters=[] for poly_2 in list_poly: inters = poly_2.Intersection(poly) if not inters.IsEmpty(): list_inters.append(poly_2) return list_inters
[docs]def get_buffered_area_ratio(geom,proj_in,buff): """ Get buffered area ratio (for error estimation): reproject in a meter system centered on polygon, buffer of a certain distance, and look :param geom: OGR polygon :param proj_in: Projection source :param buff: Buffer distance :returns: Area buffered to area ratio in percent, Area of polygon """ centroid_lon, centroid_lat, _ = geom.Centroid().GetPoint() epsg, utm = latlon_to_UTM(centroid_lat,centroid_lon) trans = coord_trans(True,proj_in,False,int(epsg)) geom.Transform(trans) area_init = geom.GetArea() geom_buff = geom.Buffer(buff) area_buff = geom_buff.GetArea() return (area_buff-area_init)/area_init*100., area_init
[docs]def create_mem_raster_on_geoimg(geoimg): """ Create raster in memory with the same extent that a GeoImg :param geoimg: GeoImg :returns: GDAL DataSet """ masktarget = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM').Create('', geoimg.npix_x, geoimg.npix_y, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) masktarget.SetGeoTransform((geoimg.xmin, geoimg.dx, 0, geoimg.ymax, 0, geoimg.dy)) masktarget.SetProjection(geoimg.proj_wkt) masktarget.GetRasterBand(1).Fill(0) return masktarget
[docs]def geoimg_mask_on_feat_shp_ds(shp_ds, geoimg, layer_name='NA', feat_id='ID', feat_val='1', **kwargs): """ Create mask of a shapefile feature on a GeoImg :param shp_ds: GDAL DataSet of input shapefile :param geoimg: GeoImg :param layer_name: Layer name for shapefile :param feat_id: Feature of interest :param feat_val: Value of the feature to be masked :returns: GDAL DataSet """ ds_out = create_mem_raster_on_geoimg(geoimg) rasterize_feat_shp_ds(shp_ds, ds_out, layer_name=layer_name, feat_id=feat_id, feat_val=feat_val, **kwargs) mask = ds_out.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() mask = mask.astype(float) return mask == 1
def rasterize_feat_shp_ds(shp_ds, raster_ds, layer_name='NA', feat_id='ID', feat_val='1', all_touched=False, exclude=False): if not exclude: str_eq = "='" else: str_eq = "!='" sql_stat = 'SELECT * FROM ' + layer_name + ' WHERE ' + feat_id + str_eq + feat_val + "'" opts = gdal.RasterizeOptions(burnValues=[1], bands=[1], SQLStatement=sql_stat, allTouched=all_touched) gdal.Rasterize(raster_ds, shp_ds, options=opts) #tools specific to ASTER L1A data
[docs]def extract_odl_astL1A(fn): """ Extract data from ASTER L1A metadata (old ODL format) :param fn: Filename of L1A .met file :returns: Arrays and DataFrames with metadata """ f = open(fn, 'r') body = def get_odl_parenth_value(text_odl, obj_name): posobj = str.find(text_odl, obj_name) posval = str.find(text_odl[posobj + 1:len(text_odl)], 'VALUE') posparenthesis = str.find(text_odl[posobj + 1 + posval:len(text_odl)], '(') posendval = str.find(text_odl[posobj + 1 + posval + posparenthesis:len(text_odl)], ')') val = text_odl[posobj + posval + posparenthesis + 2:posobj + posval + posparenthesis + posendval + 1] return val def get_odl_quot_value(text_odl, obj_name): posobj = str.find(text_odl, obj_name) posval = str.find(text_odl[posobj + 1:len(text_odl)], 'VALUE') posquote = str.find(text_odl[posobj + 1 + posval:len(text_odl)], '"') posendval = str.find(text_odl[posobj + posval + posquote + 2:len(text_odl)], '"') val = text_odl[posobj + posval + posquote + 2:posobj + posval + +posquote + posendval + 2] return val # get latitude lat_val = get_odl_parenth_value(body, 'GRingPointLatitude') lat_tuple = [float(lat_val.split(',')[0]), float(lat_val.split(',')[1]), float(lat_val.split(',')[2]), float(lat_val.split(',')[3])] # get longitude lon_val = get_odl_parenth_value(body, 'GRingPointLongitude') lon_tuple = [float(lon_val.split(',')[0]), float(lon_val.split(',')[1]), float(lon_val.split(',')[2]), float(lon_val.split(',')[3])] # get calendar date + time of day caldat_val = get_odl_quot_value(body, 'CalendarDate') timeday_val = get_odl_quot_value(body, 'TimeofDay') caldat = datetime(year=int(caldat_val.split('-')[0]), month=int(caldat_val.split('-')[1]), day=int(caldat_val.split('-')[2]), hour=int(timeday_val.split(':')[0]), minute=int(timeday_val.split(':')[1]), second=int(timeday_val.split(':')[2][0:2]), microsecond=int(timeday_val.split(':')[2][3:6]) * 1000) # get cloud cover cloudcov_val = get_odl_quot_value(body, 'SceneCloudCoverage') cloudcov_perc = int(cloudcov_val) # get flag if bands acquired or not: band 1,2,3N,3B,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 list_band = [] band_attr = get_odl_quot_value(body, 'Band3N_Available') band_avail = band_attr[0:3] == 'Yes' list_band.append(band_avail) band_attr = get_odl_quot_value(body, 'Band3B_Available') band_avail = band_attr[0:3] == 'Yes' list_band.append(band_avail) range_band = list(range(1, 15)) range_band.remove(3) for i in range_band: band_attr = get_odl_quot_value(body, 'Band' + str(i) + '_Available') band_avail = band_attr[0:3] == 'Yes' list_band.append(band_avail) band_tags = pd.DataFrame(data=list_band, index=['band_3N', 'band_3B', 'band_1', 'band_2', 'band_4', 'band_5', 'band_6', 'band_7', 'band_8', 'band_9', 'band_10', 'band_11', 'band_12', 'band_13', 'band_14']) # get scene orientation angle orient_attr = get_odl_quot_value(body, 'ASTERSceneOrientationAngle') # orient_angl = float(orient_attr) # some .met files are in fact somehow incomplete for angles... let's forget it! orient_angl = float(15.) return lat_tuple, lon_tuple, caldat, cloudcov_perc, band_tags, orient_angl
[docs]def l1astrip_polygon(l1a_subdir): """ Compute the merged polygon of stitched ASTER L1A granules from the metadata of the original granules :param l1a_subdir: Directory containing several L1A .met files :returns: OGR polygon """ # number of l1a granules strip_l1a = [os.path.join(l1a_subdir, l1a) for l1a in os.listdir(l1a_subdir) if l1a.endswith('.met')] list_poly = [] for l1a in strip_l1a: lat_tup, lon_tup, _, _, _, _ = extract_odl_astL1A(l1a) max_lon = np.max(lon_tup) min_lon = np.min(lon_tup) if min_lon < -160 and max_lon > 160: # if this is happening, ladies and gentlemen, bad news, we definitely have an image on the dateline # let's do two full polygons from each side of the dateline... lon_rightside = np.array(lon_tup, dtype=float) lon_rightside[lon_rightside < -160] += 360 lon_leftside = np.array(lon_tup, dtype=float) lon_leftside[lon_leftside > 160] -= 360 rightside_coord = list(zip(list(lon_rightside) + [lon_rightside[0]], lat_tup + [lat_tup[0]])) rightside_poly = poly_from_coords(rightside_coord) leftside_coord = list(zip(list(lon_leftside) + [lon_leftside[0]], lat_tup + [lat_tup[0]])) leftside_poly = poly_from_coords(leftside_coord) # create a world polygon and get intersection world_coord = [(-180, -90), (-180, 90), (180, 90), (180, -90), (-180, -90)] world_poly = poly_from_coords(world_coord) leftside_inters = world_poly.Intersection(leftside_poly) rightside_inters = world_poly.Intersection(rightside_poly) # add both to list list_poly += [leftside_inters, rightside_inters] else: list_coord = list(zip(lon_tup + [lon_tup[0]], lat_tup + [lat_tup[0]])) poly = poly_from_coords(list_coord) list_poly.append(poly) multipoly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbMultiPolygon) for i in range(len(list_poly)): # stacking polygons in multipolygon multipoly.AddGeometry(list_poly[i]) cascadedpoly = multipoly.UnionCascaded() return cascadedpoly