Creating a stack of DEMs with pyddem

The basic procedure for stacking DEMs involves using either pyddem.stack_tools.create_mmaster_stack() or from the command line.

The first step is to have a number of DEMs available to stack. For this example, we’ll assume that these are in the same folder as we are trying to create the stack, and that they all have a filename of the form AST*.tif. Note that any file format that can be read by GDAL will work here, but the date of acquisition should be parse-able by pybob.GeoImg.

Using a reference DEM

If the DEMs are not already co-registered to a reference DEM, you can do that within the stacking process.

To do this, you need to have a shapefile (or any file format that can be opened with geopandas) with the footprint(st) of the reference DEM. At the moment, this is set up assuming that the tiles are stored in various ‘subfolder’s of a single ‘path’. So, each feature of the features in the shapefile should have attributes that look something like this:

ID filename subfolder path
0 59_25_1_2_30m_v3.0_reg_dem.tif NorthAsia ~/data/ArcticDEM/v3.0/Mosaic

With this, pyddem.stack_tools.create_mmaster_stack() will create a VRT from all tiles that intersect the boundary of the stack, and use this to co-register each individual DEM in turn. You can also pass filenames for an exclusion mask (i.e., glaciers) to identify terrain that should not be included in the co-registration, as well as an inclusion mask (i.e., land).

Running from a script

The following example demonstrates how you can run pyddem.stack_tools.create_mmaster_stack() from your own script. pyddem.stack_tools.create_mmaster_stack() will load each of the DEMs in turn and insert it into the stack.

from glob import glob
from pyddem.stack_tools import create_mmaster_stack

filelist_dems = glob('AST*.tif')
fn_out = ''
fn_glacmask = '~/data/RGI/v6.0/10_rgi60_NorthAsia/10_rgi60_NorthAsia.shp'
fn_reftiles = '~/data/ArcticDEM/v3.0/Mosaic/ArcticDEM_Tiles.shp'

my_stack = create_mmaster_stack(filelist_dems,

This will create an output file called Note that by not specifying an extent, we automatically take the extent of the first DEM (chronologically). In the stack file, each of the AST*.tif DEMs are re-sampled to 100 m (res=100) and added to the stack in chronological order. It will co-register each of the DEMs to the reference DEM (coreg=True), overwrite any existing file (clobber=True), and add the reference DEM to the stack (add_ref), with any terrain falling within the RGI v6.0 glacier outlines (exc_mask=fn_glacmask) ignored for co-registration.

Running from the command line

We can do the same thing as above using the command-line script provided in bin/ AST*.tif -res 100 -o -exc_mask ~/data/RGI/v6.0/10_rgi60_NorthAsia/10_rgi60_NorthAsia.shp
        -ref_tiles '~/data/ArcticDEM/v3.0/Mosaic/ArcticDEM_Tiles.shp' -c -do_coreg -add_ref

Once you have a stack of DEMs, you can run various fitting routines on the stack to fit a time series of elevation.