Create a NetCDF stack of DEMs.

usage: [-h] [-extent xmin xmax ymin ymax] [-res RES]
                     [-epsg EPSG] [-o OUTFILE] [-c] [-u] [-do_coreg]
                     [-r REF_TILES] [-inc_mask INC_MASK] [-exc_mask EXC_MASK]
                     [-outdir OUTDIR] [-filt_dem FILT_DEM] [-add_ref]
                     [-add_corr] [-nd LATLONTILE_NODATA] [-filt_mm_corr] [-z]
                     [-y YEAR0] [-t TMPTAG]
                     filelist [filelist ...]

Positional Arguments

filelist List of DEM files to read and stack.

Named Arguments

-extent Extent of output DEMs to write.
-res pixel resolution (in meters)
-epsg Target EPSG code. Default is taken from first (chronological) DEM.
-o, --outfile

Output NetCDF file to create []

Default: “”

-c, --clobber

Overwrite any existing file [False]

Default: False

-u, --uncert

Read stable terrain statistics for each DEM from [filename].txt

Default: False


Co-register DEMs to a reference DEM before adding to stack [False]

Default: False

-r, --ref_tiles
 Path to shapefile of reference DEM tiles to use for co-registration [None]
-inc_mask Filename of inclusion mask (i.e., land) for use in co-registration.
-exc_mask Filename of exclusion mask (i.e., glaciers) for use in co-registration.

Output directory for temporary files [tmp].

Default: “tmp”


Add reference DEM as a stack variable [False]

Default: False


Add correlation masks as a stack variable [False]

Default: False

-nd, --latlontile_nodata
 Apply nodata for a lat/lon tile footprint to avoid overlapping and simplify xarray merging.

Filter MMASTER DEM with correlation mask when stacking.

Default: False

-z, --l1a_zipped

Use if DEMs are zipped.

Default: False

-y, --year0

Year 0 to reference time variable to [1900]

Default: 1900.0

-t, --tmptag Tag to append to temporary filenames [None]