Fit time series of elevation data to a stack of DEMs.

usage: [-h] [-te EXTENT EXTENT EXTENT EXTENT] [-ref_dem REF_DEM]
                    [-ref_date REF_DATE] [-f FILT_REF]
                    [-filt_thresh FILT_THRESH] [-inc_mask INC_MASK]
                    [-exc_mask EXC_MASK] [-n NPROC] [-m METHOD] [-opt_gpr]
                    [-filt_ls] [-ci CI] [-t TLIM TLIM] [-ts TSTEP]
                    [-o OUTFILE] [-wf] [-c] [--merge_dates] [-d]

Positional Arguments

stack NetCDF file of stacked DEMs to fit.

Named Arguments

-te, --extent Extent over which to limit fit, given as [xmin xmax ymin ymax]
-ref_dem Filename for input reference DEM.
-ref_date Date of reference DEM.
-f, --filt_ref

Type of filtering to do. One of min_max, time, or both

Default: “min_max”

-filt_thresh Maximum dh/dt from reference DEM for time filtering.
-inc_mask Filename of optional inclusion mask (i.e., land).
-exc_mask Filename of optional exclusion mask (i.e., glaciers).
-n, --nproc

number of processors to use [1].

Default: 1

-m, --method

Fitting method. One of Gaussian Process Regression (gpr, default),Ordinary Least Squares (ols), or Weighted Least Squares (wls)

Default: “gpr”


Run learning optimization in the GPR Fitting [False]

Default: False


Filter least squares with a first fit [False]

Default: False


Confidence Interval to filter least squares fit [0.99]

Default: 0.99

-t, --tlim Start and end years to fit time series to (default is read from input file).
-ts, --tstep

Temporal step (in years) for fitted stack [0.25]

Default: 0.25

-o, --outfile

File to save results to. []

Default: “”

-wf, --write_filt

Write filtered stack to file [False]

Default: False

-c, --clobber

Clobber existing outfile [False].

Default: False


Merge any DEMs with same acquisition date [False]

Default: False

-d, --dask_parallel

Run with dask parallel tools [False]

Default: False