Source code for pyddem.volint_tools

pymmaster.volint_tools provides tools to integrate elevation change into volume time series,
adapted from `McNabb et al. (2019)`_.

.. _McNabb et al. (2019):
import sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math as m
import pyddem.fit_tools as ft
import functools
from pyddem.spstats_tools import neff_rect, neff_circ, kernel_sph, std_err_finite, std_err

def idx_near_val(array, v):
    return np.nanargmin(np.abs(array - v))

def linear_err(delta_x, std_acc_y):
    return delta_x ** 2 / 8 * std_acc_y

def gauss(n=11, sigma=1):
    r = range(-int(n / 2), int(n / 2) + 1)
    return [1 / (sigma * m.sqrt(2 * m.pi)) * m.exp(-float(x) ** 2 / (2 * sigma ** 2)) for x in r]

def kernel_exclass(xi, x0, a1, kappa=0.5):
    return np.exp(-(np.abs(xi - x0) / a1) ** kappa)

def kernel_exp(xi, x0, a1):
    return np.exp(-np.abs(xi - x0) / a1)

def kernel_gaussian(xi, x0, a1):
    return np.exp(-((xi - x0) / a1) ** 2)

def kernel_sph(xi,x0,a1):
    if np.abs(xi - x0) > a1:
        return 0
        return 1 - 3 / 2 * np.abs(xi-x0) / a1 + 1 / 2 * (np.abs(xi-x0) / a1) ** 3

[docs]def lowess_homemade_kern(x, y, w, a1, kernel='Exp'): """ #inspired by: homebaked lowess with variogram kernel + heteroscedasticity of observations with error :param x:x :param y:y :param w: heteroscedastic weights (inverse of variance) :param a1: range of the kernel (in variogram terms) :param kernel: kernel function :return: """ n = len(x) yest = np.zeros(n) err_yest = np.zeros(n) if kernel == 'Gau': kernel_fun = kernel_gaussian elif kernel == 'Exp': kernel_fun = kernel_exp elif kernel == 'Exc': kernel_fun = kernel_exclass else: print('Kernel not recognized.') sys.exit() W = np.array([kernel_fun(x, x[i], a1) * w for i in range(n)]).T X = np.array([x for i in range(n)]).T Y = np.array([y for i in range(n)]).T beta1, beta0, _, Yl, Yu = ft.wls_matrix(X, Y, W, conf_interv=0.68) for i in range(n): yest[i] = beta1[i] * x[i] + beta0[i] err_yest[i] = (Yu[i, i] - Yl[i, i]) / 2 return yest, err_yest
[docs]def interp_linear(xp, yp, errp, acc_y, loo=False): """ Piece-wise linear interpolation with linear extrapolation on the edges and basic error propagation (where to interpolate is given by NaN values in the vectors) :param xp: x :param yp: y :param errp: error :param acc_y: prior knowledge of maximum acceleration for assessing possible interpolation error :param loo: perform a first leave-one-out interpolation, remove data outliers (outside error bars) :returns: y interpolated, error propagated, error of interpolation """ # interpolation 1d with error propagation: nan are considered void, possible leave-one-out (reinterpolate each value) # getting void index idx_void = np.isnan(yp) # preallocating arrays yp_out = np.copy(yp) errp_out = np.copy(errp) errlin_out = np.zeros(len(yp)) * np.nan # don't really care about performance, it's fast anyway, so let's do this one at a time for i in np.arange(len(xp)): x0 = xp[i] tmp_xp = np.copy(xp) tmp_xp[idx_void] = np.nan if loo: tmp_xp[i] = np.nan # this is for leave-one out else: if not np.isnan(tmp_xp[i]): continue # find closest non void bin idx_1 = idx_near_val(tmp_xp, x0) tmp_xp[idx_1] = np.nan # second closest idx_2 = idx_near_val(tmp_xp, x0) # linear interpolation (or extrapolation) a = (xp[idx_2] - x0) / (xp[idx_2] - xp[idx_1]) b = (x0 - xp[idx_1]) / (xp[idx_2] - xp[idx_1]) # propagating standard error y0_out = a * yp[idx_1] + b * yp[idx_2] err0_out = np.sqrt(a ** 2 * errp[idx_1] ** 2 + b ** 2 * errp[idx_2] ** 2) # err0_out = np.sqrt(errp[idx_1]**2 + errp[idx_2]**2) # estimating linear error delta_x = min(np.absolute(xp[idx_2] - x0), np.absolute(xp[idx_1] - x0)) errlin0_out = linear_err(delta_x, acc_y) # appending yp_out[i] = y0_out errp_out[i] = err0_out errlin_out[i] = errlin0_out return yp_out, errp_out, errlin_out
[docs]def interp_lowess(xp, yp, errp, acc_y, crange, kernel=kernel_exclass): """ LOWESS interpolation with error propagation (where to interpolate is given by NaN values in the vectors) :param xp: x :param yp: y :param errp: error :param acc_y: prior knowledge of maximum acceleration for assessing possible interpolation error :param rang: Range of kernel used for local linear regression :param kernel: Form of kernel [Exponential Class] :return: y interpolated, error propagated, error of interpolation """ # interp1d with local regression and error propagation yp_out, errp_out = lowess_homemade_kern(xp, yp, 1 / (errp ** 2), a1=crange / 4., kernel=kernel) idx_void = np.isnan(yp) errlin_out = np.zeros(len(yp)) * np.nan for i in np.arange(len(xp)): x0 = xp[i] tmp_xp = np.copy(xp) tmp_xp[idx_void] = np.nan if not np.isnan(tmp_xp[i]): continue # find closest non void bin idx_1 = idx_near_val(tmp_xp, x0) tmp_xp[idx_1] = np.nan delta_x = np.absolute(xp[idx_1] - x0) errlin0_out = linear_err(delta_x, acc_y) errlin_out[i] = np.sqrt(errlin0_out ** 2 + errp[idx_1] ** 2) return yp_out, errp_out, errlin_out
[docs]def double_sum_covar_hypso(tot_err, slope_bin, elev_bin, area_tot, crange, kernel=kernel_exclass): """ 1D hypsometric propagation of correlated error through double sum of covariance :param tot_err: Error per hypsometric bin :param slope_bin: Slope per bin (to assess horizontal distance) :param elev_bin: Reference elevation per bin :param area_tot: Area per bin :param crange: Correlation range :param kernel: Form of kernel [Exponential Class] :return: y interpolated, error propagated, error of interpolation """ n = len(tot_err) dist_bin = np.zeros(n) # change elev binning in distances: bin_size = elev_bin[1] - elev_bin[0] for i in range(n - 1): ind = elev_bin <= elev_bin[i] tmpslope = slope_bin[ind] dist_bin[i + 1] = np.nansum(bin_size / np.tan(tmpslope * np.pi / 180.)) var_err = 0 for i in range(n): for j in range(n): var_err += kernel(dist_bin[i], dist_bin[j], crange) * tot_err[i] * tot_err[j] * area_tot[i] * area_tot[j] var_err /= np.nansum(area_tot) ** 2 return np.sqrt(var_err)
[docs]def hypso_dc(dh_dc, err_dc, ref_elev, dt, tvals, mask, gsd, slope=None, bin_type='fixed', bin_val=100., filt_bin='5NMAD', method='linear'): """ Hypsometric spatial integration of elevation time series with NMAD filtering and with propagation of correlated errors depending on time lag to closest observation currently written for the "hypsometric cheat" volume integration routine (see tdem tools), the x/y dimension are thus flattened in 1D and we use only hypsometry for integration for now, the function defining the long-range sum of variogram is defined directly in the script based empirical sampling and least-squares fits to ICESat done separately :param dh_dc: Data cube of elevation change (flattened in x/y) :param err_dc: Data cube of elevation change errors (flattened in x/y) :param ref_elev: Raster of reference elevation (flattened in x/y) :param dt: Data cube of time lag to closest observation (flattened in x/y) :param tvals: Date vector :param mask: Mask of valid values (flattened in x/y) :param gsd: Ground sampling distance in meters :param slope: Slope, only used to propagate correlated hypometric errors :param bin_type: Type of elevation binning (percentage of elevation range, or flat value) :param bin_val: Elevation bin flat value (if that is used) :param filt_bin: Filtering of outliers per elevation bin [currently 5NMAD of full time range] :param method: Interpolation/extrapolation method for void elevatio bins :return: Three dataframes with volume change time series """ #filtering with error threshold? filt_err = err_dc[-1, :] > 500. dh_dc[:,filt_err] = np.nan err_dc[:,filt_err] = np.nan # ref_elev[filt_err] = np.nan area_tot = np.count_nonzero(mask) * gsd ** 2 #valid points for volume change calculation valid_points = np.count_nonzero(np.logical_and.reduce((~np.isnan(ref_elev),~np.isnan(dh_dc[0,:]),mask))) #closest observation binning: monthly dt_bin = np.arange(0,np.nanmax(dt)+30,5) nb_dt_bin = len(dt_bin)-1 #amplitude of correlation length, calibrated with ICESat global corr_ranges = [150,2000,5000,20000,50000] coefs=[np.array([1.26694247e-03, 3.03486839e+00]), np.array([1.35708936e-03, 4.05065698e+00]), np.array([1.42572733e-03, 4.20851582e+00]), np.array([1.82537137e-03, 4.28515920e+00]), np.array([1.87250755e-03, 4.31311254e+00]), np.array([2.06249620e-03, 4.33582812e+00])] thresh = [0,0,0,180,180] ind = [1,1,1,2,1] # corr_a = [30,35,35] # corr_b = [0.2,0.02,0.0002] # corr_c = [0.25,0.5,0.85] # lin_a = [35] # lin_b = [0.005] # def sill_frac(t,a,b,c,d): # # ind_pos = (t-d) >= 0 # # out_frac = np.zeros(len(t)) # # out_frac[ind_pos] = a*(1 - np.exp(-b*(t[ind_pos]-d)**c)) # # return out_frac # if t > d: # return a*(1 - np.exp(-b*(t-d)**c)) # else: # return 0 def sill_frac(t,a,b,c,d): if t>=c: return (coefs[-1][0]*t+coefs[-1][1])**2-(a*t+b)**2 -((coefs[-1][1]+c*coefs[-1][0])**2 - (coefs[-1-d][1]+c*coefs[-1-d][0])**2) else: return 0 corr_std_dt = [functools.partial(sill_frac,a=coefs[i][0],b=coefs[i][1],c=thresh[i],d=ind[i]) for i in range(len(corr_ranges))] # corr_std_dt.append(functools.partial(sill_frac_lin,b=lin_b[0])) # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # fig = plt.figure() # vec = np.arange(0,1500,5) # for i in range(5): # plt.plot(vec,[corr_std_dt[i](j) for j in vec],label=corr_ranges[i]) if valid_points == 0: df = pd.DataFrame() df = df.assign(hypso=np.nan, time=np.nan, dh=np.nan, err_dh=np.nan) df_hyp = pd.DataFrame() df_hyp = df_hyp.assign(hypso=np.nan, area_meas=np.nan, area_tot=np.nan, nmad=np.nan) df_int = pd.DataFrame() df_int = df_int.assign(time=tvals, dh=np.nan, err_dh=np.nan) return df, df_hyp, df_int #elevation binning min_elev = np.nanmin(ref_elev[mask]) - (np.nanmin(ref_elev[mask]) % bin_val) max_elev = np.nanmax(ref_elev[mask]) if max_elev == min_elev: max_elev = min_elev + 0.01 if bin_type == 'fixed': bin_final = bin_val elif bin_type == 'percentage': bin_final = np.ceil(bin_val / 100. * (max_elev - min_elev)) else: sys.exit('Bin type not recognized.') if valid_points > 50 : bins_on_mask = np.arange(min_elev, max_elev, bin_final) nb_bin = len(bins_on_mask) else: bins_on_mask = np.array([min_elev]) bin_final = max_elev + 0.01 - min_elev nb_bin = 1 #index only glacier pixels ref_on_mask = ref_elev[mask] dh_on_mask = dh_dc[:, mask] err_on_mask = err_dc[:, mask] dt_on_mask=dt[:,mask] #local hypsometric method (McNabb et al., 2019) #preallocating elev_bin, slope_bin, area_tot_bin, area_res_bin, area_meas_bin, nmad_bin, std_geo_err = (np.zeros(nb_bin) * np.nan for i in range(7)) mean_bin, std_bin, ss_err_bin, std_num_err, std_all_err = (np.zeros((nb_bin, np.shape(dh_dc)[0])) * np.nan for i in range(5)) final_num_err_corr, int_err_corr = (np.zeros((np.shape(dh_dc)[0],len(corr_ranges)+1))*np.nan for i in range(2)) for i in np.arange(nb_bin): idx_bin = np.array(ref_on_mask >= bins_on_mask[i]) & np.array( ref_on_mask < (bins_on_mask[i] + bin_final)) idx_orig = np.array(ref_elev >= bins_on_mask[i]) & np.array( ref_elev < (bins_on_mask[i] + bin_final)) & mask area_tot_bin[i] = np.count_nonzero(idx_orig) * gsd ** 2 elev_bin[i] = bins_on_mask[i] + bin_final / 2. if slope is None: slope_bin[i] = 30. #average slope else: slope_bin[i] = np.nanmean(slope[idx_orig]) dh_bin = dh_on_mask[:, idx_bin] err_bin = err_on_mask[:, idx_bin] # with current fit, a value can only be NaN along the entire temporal axis nvalid = np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(dh_bin[0, :])) area_res_bin[i] = nvalid * gsd **2 area_meas_bin[i] = nvalid * gsd ** 2 if nvalid > 0: if filt_bin == '5NMAD' and nvalid > 10: # this is for a temporally varying NMAD, which doesn't seem to always be relevant... # need to change preallocation if using this one # mad = np.nanmedian(np.absolute(dh_bin - med_bin[i, :, None]), axis=1) # nmad_bin[i, :] = 1.4826 * mad # idx_outlier = np.absolute(dh_bin - med_bin[i, :, None]) > 3 * nmad_bin[i, :, None] # dh_bin[idx_outlier] = np.nan # this is for a fixed NMAD using only the max dh dh_tot = dh_bin[-1,:] med_tot = np.nanmedian(dh_tot) mad = np.nanmedian(np.absolute(dh_tot - med_tot)) nmad_bin[i] = 1.4826*mad idx_outlier = np.absolute(dh_tot - med_tot) > 5 * nmad_bin[i] nb_outlier = np.count_nonzero(idx_outlier) dh_bin[:,idx_outlier] = np.nan err_bin[:,idx_outlier] = np.nan area_meas_bin[i] -= nb_outlier * gsd ** 2 # ref_elev_out[idx_orig & np.array(np.absolute(ref_elev_out - med_bin[i]) > 3 * nmad)] = np.nan std_bin[i, :] = np.nanstd(dh_bin, axis=1) #normal mean # mean_bin[i,:] = np.nanmean(dh_bin,axis=1) # weighted mean weights = 1. / err_bin ** 2 mean_bin[i, :] = np.nansum(dh_bin * weights, axis=1) / np.nansum(weights, axis=1) # print(err_bin) # print(weights) # print(mean_bin[i,:]) ss_err_bin[i, :] = np.sqrt(np.nansum(err_bin **2 * weights, axis=1) / np.nansum(weights, axis=1)) # ref_elev_out[idx_orig & np.isnan(ref_elev_out)] = mean_bin[i] # area_tot = np.nansum(area_tot_bin) area_meas = np.nansum(area_meas_bin) perc_area_res = np.nansum(area_res_bin)/area_tot perc_area_meas = area_meas/area_tot idx_nonvoid = area_meas_bin > 0 #what kind of signal are we missing? this is dependent on the hypsometric elevation change correlation # over void areas, i.e. the size of the whole glacier crange_geo = 10**(2.+area_tot/10**6/2.5) #in meters, this is a decent empirical approximation of exponential hypsometric correlation length based on area size # what is the typical std of glacier elevation change: proportional to dh psill_bin = std_bin[:, -1] # psill_bin = mean_bin[:, -1] for i in range(len(area_tot_bin)): if idx_nonvoid[i]: Neff_geo = neff_rect(area_tot_bin[i],bin_final/(np.tan(slope_bin[i]*np.pi/180.)),crange_geo,psill_bin[i],model1='Exp') neff_geo = neff_rect(area_meas_bin[i],bin_final/(np.tan(slope_bin[i]*np.pi/180.)),crange_geo,psill_bin[i],model1='Exp') std_geo_err[i] = std_err_finite(psill_bin[i],Neff_geo,neff_geo) else: std_geo_err[i] = np.nan #what is our numerical error crange_num1 = 100 #ASTER base correlation length psill_num1 = 4**2 #ASTER base variance crange_num2 = 1500 #ASTER jitter correlation length psill_num2 = 0.6**2 #ASTER jitter has a mean amplitude of ~2m, let's say we corrected or filtered about 70% # first, get standard error for all non-void bins for i in range(len(area_tot_bin)): if idx_nonvoid[i]: neff = neff_rect(area_meas_bin[i],bin_final/(np.tan(slope_bin[i]*np.pi/180.)),crange1=crange_num1,psill1=psill_num1 ,model1='Sph',crange2=crange_num2,psill2=psill_num2,model2='Sph') std_num_err[i,:] = std_err(ss_err_bin[i,:], neff) else: std_num_err[i,:] = np.nan std_num_err[np.isnan(std_num_err)] = 0 std_geo_err[np.isnan(std_geo_err)] = 0 std_all_err[idx_nonvoid] = np.sqrt(std_num_err[idx_nonvoid] ** 2 + std_geo_err[idx_nonvoid,None] ** 2) # if method == 'linear': # # first, do a leave-one out linear interpolation to remove non-void bins with really low confidence # loo_mean, loo_std_err, loo_lin_err = interp_linear(elev_bin, mean_bin, std_all_err, acc_dh, loo=True) # loo_full_err = np.sqrt(loo_std_err ** 2 + loo_lin_err ** 2) # # idx_low_conf = nonvoid_err_bin > loo_full_err # # idx_final_void = np.logical_and(np.invert(idx_nonvoid), idx_low_conf) # then, interpolate for all of those bins # mean_bin[idx_final_void] = np.nan # nonvoid_err_bin[idx_final_void] = np.nan # final_std_err[~idx_final_void] = 0 #linear interpolation of voids by temporal step # #TODO: optimize that temporally later final_mean_hyp, final_err_hyp = (np.zeros(np.shape(mean_bin))*np.nan for i in range(2)) final_mean, final_err = (np.zeros(np.shape(mean_bin)[1])*np.nan for i in range(2)) # without taking into account large scale spatial correlation # neff_num_tot = neff_circ(area_meas,crange1=crange_num1,psill1=psill_num1 # ,model1='Sph',crange2=crange_num2,psill2=psill_num2,model2='Sph') intrabin_err = std_geo_err intrabin_err[np.isnan(intrabin_err)] = 0 nvalid_bin = np.count_nonzero(idx_nonvoid) if nb_bin>1: final_geo_err = double_sum_covar_hypso(intrabin_err, slope_bin, elev_bin, area_tot_bin, crange_geo, kernel=kernel_exp) else: final_geo_err = intrabin_err[0] for i in range(np.shape(mean_bin)[1]): if nb_bin>1 and nvalid_bin>1: tmp_mean, tmp_std_err, tmp_lin_err = interp_linear(elev_bin, mean_bin[:,i], std_all_err[:,i], acc_y=.002, loo=False) elif nb_bin>1 and nvalid_bin==1: tmp_mean = mean_bin[:,i] tmp_std_err = std_all_err[:,i] tmp_lin_err = np.zeros(np.shape(mean_bin[:,i])) else: tmp_mean = np.array([mean_bin[0,i]]) tmp_std_err = np.array([std_all_err[0,i]]) tmp_lin_err = np.array([0]) tmp_std_err[np.isnan(tmp_std_err)] = 0 tmp_lin_err[np.isnan(tmp_lin_err)] = 0 interbin_err = np.sqrt(tmp_std_err ** 2 + tmp_lin_err ** 2) tmp_tot_err = np.sqrt(interbin_err ** 2 + intrabin_err ** 2) final_mean_hyp[:, i] = tmp_mean final_err_hyp[:, i] = tmp_tot_err # integrate along hypsometry final_mean[i] = np.nansum(tmp_mean * area_tot_bin)/area_tot #without taking account a very large spatial correlation at the regional scale, only one error: # final_num_err = std_err(np.nansum(ss_err_bin[:,i]*area_meas_bin)/area_meas,neff_num_tot) nsamp_dt = np.zeros(nb_dt_bin)*np.nan err_corr = np.zeros((nb_dt_bin,len(corr_ranges)+1)) * np.nan for j in np.arange(nb_dt_bin): idx_dt_bin= np.logical_and(dt_on_mask[i,:] >= dt_bin[j],dt_on_mask[i,:]<dt_bin[j+1]) err_dt = err_on_mask[i,idx_dt_bin] final_num_err_dt=np.sqrt(np.nanmean(err_dt**2)) nsamp_dt[j] = np.count_nonzero(idx_dt_bin) sum_var = 0 for k in range(len(corr_ranges)+1): if k != len(corr_ranges): err_corr[j, k] = np.sqrt(max(0,corr_std_dt[len(corr_ranges)-1-k](dt_bin[j] + (dt_bin[j + 1] - dt_bin[j]) / 2) - sum_var)) sum_var += err_corr[j, k] ** 2 else: err_corr[j, k]=np.sqrt(max(0,final_num_err_dt**2-sum_var)) for k in range(len(corr_ranges)+1): final_num_err_corr[i,k] = np.sqrt(np.nansum(err_corr[:,k]*nsamp_dt)/np.nansum(nsamp_dt)) if k==0: tmp_length = 500000 else: tmp_length = corr_ranges[len(corr_ranges)-k] if final_num_err_corr[i,k] ==0: int_err_corr[i,k] = 0 else: int_err_corr[i,k] = std_err(final_num_err_corr[i,k],neff_circ(area_meas,[(tmp_length,'Sph',final_num_err_corr[i,k]**2)])) #TODO: could rewrite this to do it as sum of previous variances list_vgm = [(corr_ranges[l],'Sph',final_num_err_corr[i,len(corr_ranges)-l]**2) for l in range(len(corr_ranges))] + [(200000,'Sph',final_num_err_corr[i,0]**2)] # list_vgm = [(corr_ranges[0],'Sph',final_num_err_corr[i,3]**2),(corr_ranges[1],'Sph',final_num_err_corr[i,2]**2), # (corr_ranges[2],'Sph',final_num_err_corr[i,1]**2),(500000,'Sph',final_num_err_corr[i,0]**2)] neff_num_tot = neff_circ(area_meas,list_vgm) final_num_err = std_err(np.sqrt(np.nansum(final_num_err_corr[i,:]**2)),neff_num_tot) final_err[i] = np.sqrt(final_num_err**2+final_geo_err**2) mean_dt = np.nanmean(dt_on_mask,axis=1) std_dt = np.nanstd(dt_on_mask,axis=1) #prepare index to write results hypso_index = np.array([h for h in elev_bin for t in tvals]) time_index = np.array([t for h in elev_bin for t in tvals]) #dataframe with hypsometric mean and error for all time steps df = pd.DataFrame() df = df.assign(hypso=hypso_index, time=time_index, dh=final_mean_hyp.flatten(), err_dh=final_err_hyp.flatten()) #dataframe with hypsometric data df_hyp = pd.DataFrame() df_hyp = df_hyp.assign(hypso=elev_bin,area_meas=area_meas_bin,area_tot=area_tot_bin,nmad=nmad_bin) #dataframe with spatially integrated volume for all time steps df_int = pd.DataFrame() df_int = df_int.assign(time=tvals,dh=final_mean,err_dh=final_err,dt=mean_dt,std_dt=std_dt, perc_area_meas = np.repeat(perc_area_meas,len(tvals)), perc_area_res=np.repeat(perc_area_res,len(tvals))) for i in range(len(corr_ranges)): df_int['err_corr_'+str(corr_ranges[i])] =int_err_corr[:,len(corr_ranges)-i] df_int['err_corr_200000'] = int_err_corr[:,0] # err_corr05 = int_err_corr[:, 3], err_corr5 = int_err_corr[:, 2], # err_corr50 = int_err_corr[:, 1], err_corr500 = int_err_corr[:, 0], # for i in np.arange(nb_bin): # idx_orig = np.array(ref_elev >= bins_on_mask[i]) & np.array( # ref_elev < (bins_on_mask[i] + bin_final)) & mask # if not idx_nonvoid[i]: # ref_elev_out[idx_orig] = final_mean[i] # return df, dc_out return df, df_hyp, df_int